- What are the class sizes at Madonna del Sasso School?
To ensure the highest quality education, we try to stay between 25 - 30 per class. Occasionally, classes can reach our max of 32 students. Our average class size is 26 students. Transitional Kinder through 1st Grade have full time Teacher's Aides in the classroom.
- Does my child have to be Catholic to attend Madonna del Sasso School?
We welcome students of all faiths. Non-Catholic families who enroll their children in our school appreciate the Catholic faith, values, and prayer taught at the school. They value the atmosphere it provides for their children and are impressed in how it strengthens them spiritually.
- Do you accept home-schooled children?
Yes! In fact, Madonna del Sasso school has many formerly home-schooled children in its student body. The small class sizes, high level of parental involvement, strong academic standards, and vibrant Catholic school atmosphere support their vision for their children’s education.
- Does Madonna del Sasso School require service hours?
To encourage parental involvement, Madonna del Sasso School asks parents to contribute 35 service hours per year, per family and participate in all school fundraisers.
- Does Madonna del Sasso School offer before and after school extension?
Yes, we offer before and after school extension from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, when school is in session. We work hard to keep the costs low.
- How can I stay informed about my child's studies and school events?
School Announcements:
In addition to updating this website often, we communicate school activities, notes, and calendars to parents on a regular basis via email blasts, our monthly newsletter, social media such at Facebook and Instagram. Students will also bring notices home.
Contacting the Classroom:
We support and encourage open communication between your home and our teachers. However, we request that parents/guardians do not call the classroom, during instructional hours. We also request that parents schedule all meetings with teachers at least 24 hours in advance. Parents/guardians may call the office and leave a message for the teacher, or you may email the teacher directly.
All Madonna del Sasso teachers check email regularly. Please feel free to communicate to your child’s teacher via email with any questions or comments.
- When will I have a conference with my child's teacher?
Parent/teacher conferences provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and unique needs with his or her teacher. Parent teacher conferences are held twice a year usually in the fall and spring. You will receive notification of scheduled conference dates via student notices and our school calendar. You may also contact your child's teacher to schedule an appointment whenever you feel the need. Involved parents make a big difference, and we welcome your interest and participation.
- What if my child is absent or tardy?
If an absence is unavoidable, please email our school office (information@msschool.com) before 8:30 a.m. Absences and tardiness disrupt learning and can slow or even prevent your child's success. We encourage you to schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments during off-school hours.
- What is the dress code at Madonna del Sasso School?
We believe that our students' appearance is an important part of the learning environment, and that is why our students wear uniforms. Uniforms can be purchased at Dennis Uniform Company. Our uniform guidelines and free dress guidelines are explained in the Family Handbook.
- What if my child needs medication or becomes ill at school?
Please complete a Medication Release Form in the school office if your child needs to take any medication during the school day. We do not dispense medication, including Tylenol, at school without a written order from a physician or parent. Student’s medication MUST be kept in the school office, in the original prescription container, with the student's name on it. Students cannot carry around medication at school.
We will notify you if your child becomes ill at school. The best place for an ill child is at home in the care of an adult. The school nurse does not diagnose illnesses. If your child is ill or injured, please consult a doctor before sending your child to school.
- What kind of physical education and extra-curricular sports do you provide?
TK – 8th attend two to three physical education classes per week with an instructor, focusing on fitness and sportsmanship. Madonna del Sasso School offers extra-curricular sports. We are open to adding additional sports programs if there are parent volunteers for coaching. Please visit our Athletics page for more information.
- What fundraisers are there?
As with all schools, fundraising is necessary to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of education. Madonna del Sasso School Parent Teacher Association sponsors school-wide major fundraisers: Annual Dinner Dance and Car Show are mandatory fundraisers, along with Cookie Dough sales, Color Run, etc.
- Do you provide financial aid?
Madonna del Sasso School does provide financial aid. We also offer sibling and multi-child discounts.
- What are the faculty credentials?
All Madonna del Sasso School teachers have State Credentials.
- What are the school hours?
Preschool Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
TK through 8th grade: 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. dismissal on Wednesdays for TK – 8th grade.
12:30 p.m. dismissal on Minimum Days for TK - 8th grade.